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Chickpeas 병아리콩

Regular price $23.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $23.00 USD
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Chickpeas are one of the oldest consumed crops, and are considered as both a vegetable and a protein food. Among the different cultures that use chickpeas, they can be used to make hummus, curries, and many more recipes.

뼈 건강에 좋음

부종 개선에 좋음

혈관 질환 예방에 도움

면역력 강화

갱년기 증상 개선

항암 효과

당뇨 개선

빈혈 개선

장 건강에 좋음

다이어트에 도움


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jenny Kim
Chickpeas 병아리콩

My favorite recipe is making kong-jang with these chickpeas. I soak them in water, toss them with some olive oil, and air-fry them till their crispy on the outside and slightly tender on the inside. After I toss them with a soy-honey base on a non-stick pan, I store it in the fridge as banchan. This product is great!